這些槍手的背景各種各樣,干事情的方式也不相同,但都有個共同的特點:他們都是殺手。他們不管三七二十一,往往先把人干掉再說,盡量不冒險。 Such gunfighters came from various backgrounds, approached their jobs differently, but all shared one characteristic: they were killers. They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.
綁匪們威脅說,如果吉姆不把收藏秘密文件的地點說出來,便要把他干掉。 The kidnappers threatened to bump Jim off if he did not tell them where the secret papers were hidden.
別把面包放在桌子上,它會干掉的。 Don't leave the bread on the table; it will dry out.