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    1. 名校網


      瀏覽次數:7747次 電話糾錯


      • 學校地址:江西南昌市南昌縣南昌理工大學
      • 學校電話:
      • 學校性質:公辦
      • 學校簡介:南昌理工學院是經國家教育部批準設置的一所全日制普通本科院校,位于英雄城南昌昌北國家經濟技術開發區,校園環境優美,教育設施完善配套。學院校訓為:科學、務實、厚德、創
      • 教學規模:2分
      • 周邊環境:3分
      • 收費合理:3分
      • 教學設備:2分
      • 教學質量:2分
      • 師資力量:3分
      • 校園環境:3分
      • 社會影響:3分
      • 校園食堂:3分


      南昌理工學院是經國家教育部批準設置的一所全日制普通本科院校,位于英雄城南昌昌北國家經濟技術開發區,校園環境優美,教育設施完善配套。學院校訓為:科學、務實、厚德、創新。堅持以“航天科教,興我中華”為辦學宗旨,遵循以教學質量求生存,靠科研創新促發展的辦學原則。 學院建校十年以來飛速發展,占地面積5106余畝,建筑面積119萬平方米,有三個校區(南昌、共青、樟樹),五個校園。各類圖書資料251.3萬余冊,各種教育資產總計達16個多億;教職工1800人,具有高級職稱的教師800余人,有9名享受國務院特殊津貼,院級領導中有兩位省政協常委,三位原省重點大學校長、書記,三位年青的博士。學院聘請中科院王梓坤院士為學術委員會主任,中國工程院王子才院士為科技創新委員會主任,中國科學院院士、K8飛機總設計師石屏教授為學科建設委員會主任。學院現設十五個學院五個部九個基地,即計算機科學與技術學院、機電工程學院、電子與信息學院、經濟管理學院、外國語學院、藝術學院、航天航空學院、生物環境工程學院、傳媒學院、體育學院、建筑工程學院、心理學院、政法學院;五年高職部、公共教學部、思想政治理論課教學部、職業技術部、遠程與成人教育部、科研開發部;教育部計算機NIT證培訓基地、教育部英語等級證考試基地、勞動與社會保障部的職業鑒定所和培訓基地、勞動和社會保障部的數控機床工藝員培訓基地、國家人事部培訓網公務員培訓基地、大學生電腦競賽基地、江西省大學生勤工儉學見習培訓基地、中國電子學會工程師進修基地、江西省國防教育基地。共開設四個辦學層次,80多個學科專業。教學儀器設備總值1.68億元。學院特別注重內涵建設和教學質量的提高,實施誠信辦學,依法管理。學院黨委被省教育工委授予“先進黨組織”稱號,院團委被評為“全省五四紅旗團委”和“全國五四紅旗團委創建單位”,行家嚴格的科學管理,名師規范而創新的指導,使學院有了跨越式的發展,學生的創新和創業能力不斷增強。在連續七屆江西省大學生電子電腦大賽中,學院連獲多項第一名;在第九屆“挑戰杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽中,學院作品獲全國三等獎和江西賽區一等獎……。教學質量的提高,也提高了學生科技創新和實際操作的能力,成為學院高就業率的保證。2005年,學院畢業生就業率居全省同類高校就業排名榜首。“訂單教育”和校企合作的啟動,更為畢業生就業提供了廣闊的就業機會。因此,學院贏得“全國教育教學管理示范高校”、“全國首批十所就業型重點大學”、“中國十佳誠信民辦高校”、“十大最受企業歡迎人才培養基地”、“全國創建平安校園示范學校”等榮譽。南昌理工學院法人代表邱小林被授予全國“五一勞動獎章”,榮獲2006年“中國教育管理卓越成就獎”,并被評為“中國十大民辦教育領軍人物”、“影響2006—中國最具責任感教育領袖。” Nanchang Institute of Technology (NIT) is a private full-time average undergraduate institute,which is located in hero city Nanchang where August 1st uprising was held with beautiful campuses and gradually improved teaching facilities."science, practice, honest , innovation"is the motto for NIT, " Hangtian scientific education thrive China"is the purpose, while the theory is"working on the basis of teaching quality and promotion on the basis of scientific innovation" After 9 years of hardworking , NIT have made glorious achievements. It covers 4600 acres with 1,190,000 squar meters constuction area.NIT has complete equipments for scientific research and library. It currently contains up to 30,000 students, 2000 faculty members in which 642 teahers have the advanced title of technical and professional post. NIT has 13 departments,6 sections and 9 bases with more than 70 majors.Because of paying greater attention to the improving of inner construction and teaching quality, The communist orgnization of NIT has successively being awarded the title of "pioneer base of communist party" by commitee of private owned shool of Jiangxi provincial educational department, league committee of NIT has also been awarded the title of "provincial May4th flag league committee". The managment module of strict, scientific and innovative has attributed to the development of NIT. The exclusive chatacterist of NIT that is intergration of "prodution, learning and research", "order education" and school-enterprise cooperation opens the broad way of career for graduates.In 2006, 6 students got the title of chinese talented students,NIT also won the titles of " top 10 most welcomed talents training base" and "national model school of safe campus".NIT has made great performances in the provincial electronical and computing competition of Jiangxi university students for consecutive 8 years,among which first prize winner for several times.The employment percentage of graduates ranks the top in its type,In 2007, NIT won the titles of outstanding school of provincial graduates employment assessment,excellent base of provincial self taught examination. The juridical person Qiu xiaolin has been awarded the titles of "national May 1st labor medal" "2006 outstanding achievement of chinese educational management""top 10 leaders of national private education". Since the establishment of foreign affairs office(FAO), FAO has gradually improved the management of foreign teachers and increased foreign affairs exchange and coopreation.Up till now,NIT has 8 foreign teachers from different countries America, Canada,Philline and Korea etc.Through the exchange, we have beginned the cooperation with more than 20 universities from more than 10 countries, which is very helpful for the development of NIT.





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