He was gobbling mincemeat, meat bone, bread and cheese, all at once.
他就把碎肉 、 肉骨頭 、 面包和乳酪一古腦兒往嘴里塞.
That China is gobbling up energy resources, especially oil, is nothing new.
中國正在大量買進能源資源, 特別是石油資源, 這并不是新鮮事.
Then the hungry killer began gobbling up the poisoned rice. Within minutes dead spot!
然后這個饑餓的殺人者開始大口吞吃有毒的米飯, 幾分鐘后,命喪當場!
China is one: Even if its nascent economic recovery falters, it will likely keep gobbling commodities.
中國就是其中 之一: 即使中國的經濟復蘇曇花一現, 但它也很可能繼續大肆購買大宗商品.
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