無錫分院、常州分院,是一所在改革開放之初創辦的省屬全日制本科院校,建校目的是為我國石油化工行業中的揚子石化、金陵石化、儀征化纖等特大型企業培養大批專業人才。1981年經國務院批準,正式定名為江蘇化工學院。1984年實行江蘇省人民政府和中國石油化工總公司聯合辦學機制,1992年正式成為中國石油化工集團公司(原中國石油化工總公司)管理的部屬院校,并更名為江蘇石油化工學院。2000年起,學校實行中央與地方共建、以江蘇省管理為主的管理體制,2002年更名為江蘇工業學院。經過30多年的建設和發展,學校已成為以工為主、理工結合、文理滲透、多學科協調發展的、具有鮮明辦學特色的普通高等院校。學校2003年取得碩士學位授予權,實現了由本科教育到研究生培養的跨越?,F有全日制研究生和本科生18000多人(含獨立學院)。設有10個二級學院、體育部、繼續教育學院以及懷德學院。有2個一級學科碩士學位授權點,17個二級學科碩士學位授權點。有44個本科專業,分屬工、理、管、經、文、法等6大學科門類。有6個省部級重點學科,3個省級優秀學科梯隊,2個省部級重點實驗室,4個省級工程中心,2個國家級特色專業,2個省級品牌專業,4個省級特色專業,14門省級精品(優秀)課程,8個省級實驗教學示范中心,1個省級高等教育人才培養模式創新實驗基地。近五年來,學校獲1項國家級高等教育成果二等獎,2項省級高等教育教學成果一等獎。2006年,學校順利通過教育部組織的本科教學工作水平評估并獲得優秀。學校擁有一支開拓創新、樂于奉獻的教職工隊伍?,F有教職工1300多人,其中,專任教師近900人,高級專業技術職務410多人,碩士及以上學位655人。2人入選“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選,3人為教育部高等學校本科教學指導委員會委員,2人為全國高等學校安全工程學科教學指導委員會委員,23人獲國務院政府特殊津貼;2人獲“全國教育系統勞動模范”和“全國教育系統先進工作者”稱號;2人為首批省中青年科技領軍人才,29人次入選省“333高層次人才培養工程”學術帶頭人和省“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人培養人選,2個省級科技創新團隊,2個省級高等學校優秀教學團隊。學校連續兩次被評為“江蘇省師資隊伍建設工作先進高校”。學校學科發展態勢良好,科研實力增勢強勁。近五年科研經費累計2.3億元,年均科研經費4600萬元;承擔或完成國家級項目25項,省部級項目196項;通過省部級科研鑒定86項;獲國家科技進步二等獎1項,國家技術發明二等獎1項,省部級科研成果獎34項(其中一等獎5項);專利申請量進入全國高校百強。據省教育廳統計,學校近三年絕大多數科技指標在省內122所高校中,排名在前10%,連續兩次被評為“江蘇省科技工作先進高校”。學校還被評為“2008—2009年全國知識產權維權援助優秀合作單位”,是江蘇省唯一獲得此項榮譽的高校。學校堅持開放辦學,十分重視對外交流與合作。以中外合作、學術交流以及科研合作為重點,積極推進國際化人才培養戰略,先后與加拿大圣西維爾大學(St. Francis Xavier University)和愛爾蘭國立大學梅努斯(National University of Ireland Maynooth)等高校開展合作辦學。同時,積極為國家支柱產業、地方經濟建設及社會發展服務,與中國石油化工集團公司、中國石油天然氣集團公司以及地方政府、企業等建立了全面合作關系。學?;A設施齊全,辦學條件優越。設有武進校區和白云校區,占地面積1500畝,擁有建筑面積49萬m2。學校教學科研儀器設備總值1.73億元,紙質圖書120.7萬冊,并與進駐常州科教城的135家知名大學大院大所的研究機構為鄰,極大地提升了學校的辦學質量和科研水平。在30多年的辦學歷程中,學校以“責任”為校訓,形成了“勇擔責任,追求卓越”的學校精神。同時,學校得益于各級政府、部門和位于世界500強第9位的中國石油化工集團公司等單位的大力支持以及深厚地方文化底蘊的孕育,夯實了教育教學的基礎,至今已為國家培養了3萬余名具有“大工程觀導向的高等工程教育新模式”辦學特色的各類專業技術人才和管理人才,為我國石油化工行業和地方經濟建設與社會發展做出了突出貢獻。多年來,學校的知名度和美譽度不斷地提升。學校是“江蘇省高校校風建設優秀單位”,連續多年榮獲“江蘇省文明單位”、“江蘇省文明學校”以及“常州市文明單位標兵”稱號,并多次榮獲全國和江蘇省暑期大學生社會實踐活動先進單位。學校還被授予“全國綠化400佳單位”和“江蘇省花園式校園”稱號。 Jiangsu Polytechnic University (JPU) is situated in the beautiful city of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, famous for its rich resources and outstanding talents. Founded in 1978, JPU was originally named the Jiangsu Institute of Chemical Technology. It was then known as Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology (1992 – 2002). In 2000, the Institute was incorporated into the Jiangsu Provincial Government, co-sponsored by the Central and the local government. In November 2002, the name Jiangsu Polytechnic University was officially approved. JPU was empowered to grant bachelors' degree in 1984 and in June this year it was empowered to grant masters' degree. During the past twenty-five years, JPU has been offered help and support by people from all walks of life, and, together with them, the people of JPU have contributed to building the university into a dynamic and vibrant institution of higher learning with emphasis on engineering, combined with science and integrated with arts.JPU now owns two campuses: Baiyun and Wujin with a combined area of more than 100 hectares and 11,000 full-time students. The University has ten departments. They are: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Business Administration, Information Science, Foreign Language, Environmental & Safety Engineering, Material Science & Engineering, Law and Physical Education. Additionally, JPU possesses three colleges---Adult Education College, Helda College and College of Applied Technology. Helda is a self-sufficient and public-owned college. JPU provides five masters' programs, 41 bachelors' programs and five undergraduate programs. The programs cover six categories. They are arts, science, economics, engineering, management and law. The masters' programs are Material Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Environmental Engineering, Oil-gas Storage & Transportation Engineering and Chemical Engineering Processing Equipment. JPU recruits students from twenty-six cities, provinces and autonomous regions in China. Fifty percent of the University's full-time teachers hold senior professional titles. More than twenty teachers have been awarded the Government Special Subsidiary. Eight have been awarded the Province-wide Outstanding Experts with Contributions. More than ten have been entitled Excellent Teachers of the State (or Jiangsu Province). JPU is ranked in the top 20 for its research capability among 100 universities (colleges) in Jiangsu Province. According to the recent retrieving statistics collected by China Science & Technology Information Institute, the retrievals by SCI, EI, ISTP etc. from the research papers by the teachers of JPU have been listed amongst the top 150 from among 1,000 universities in China.JPU has actively been developing exchanges and cooperation with universities home and abroad. It has built close links with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Francis Xiavier University, Canada, Heriot-Watt University, Scottland, ect. Culture and academic exchanges and joint research members, and studentsin recent years. JPU now boasts its alumni of more than twenty thousand. In the future, JPU has acknowledged as an ideal academy to forester personnel and talents for the development of local economy and petrochemical industry. JPU's students all bear in mind the university's spirit: Responsibility. The university has been entitled as the Model University by Jiangsu Province Government.