⒈ [It
例 is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes;one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book]比喻空懷壯志,不如實實在在地付諸于行動。
英It is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes; one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book;
⒈ 見“臨河羨魚”。
⒈ 比喻雖有愿望,但只憑空妄想,難收實效。參見「臨河羨魚」條。
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