我想他反正會以養家為理由來進行辯解。 I suppose that, in justification, he could always claim he had a family to support.
"我對自己說過的話很懊悔" 。 "不必在意,反正我不會記在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
"杰克,你和我們一起來嗎?" "不。不過,管它呢,反正我一到家就會遇到麻煩。" "Are you coming on with us, Jack?" "I shouldn't, but what the hell. I'm going to get into trouble when I get home, anyway."
如果你想搞一個有假山的花園,你就搞吧??赡銊e指望我出力,反正只有你有時間。 If you want a rock garden, OK—but don't expect me to do anything about it. You're the one that's got the time, anyway.
他離開她了?那算得了什麼?他反正從來都不在家里。 He's left her? What's the odds? He was never at home anyhow.