投影的由投影制作的或與其有關的 Relating to or made by projection.
幻燈膠片,電影膠片為靜止投影而準備的含有相片、圖表或其它圖表性東西的一段膠片 A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection.
電影一組連續的照片被投影到屏幕上并以極快的速度依次放映使之產生連續性和動態的視覺 A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.
星座一覽圖天體球的一半或多半在平面圖上的極投影圖,這種圖具有可調節的遮蔽物以顯示在給定時刻和位置可見的恒星 A polar projection of half or more of the celestial sphere on a chart equipped with an adjustable overlay to show the stars visible at a particular time and place.