那位生物學家先把標本染色,然後再通過顯微鏡進行觀察。 The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope.
白化病人體、動物或植物先天性缺乏正常的色素沉淀或染色 Congenital absence of normal pigmentation or coloration in a person, an animal, or a plant.
媒染在染色中用于固定顏色的 Serving to fix colors in dyeing.
顏色因染色而帶上的顏色 A color imparted by dyeing.
蠟染印花法一種染織物的方法,用這種方法,織物的不染色部分被可剝落的蠟所覆蓋而其余部分則染上色 A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.