融化量單一操作中熔化的量,或在一定時期內熔化的量 The quantity melted at a single operation or in one period.
微膠囊,微囊體小團膠囊,在壓力、溶解或熔化時破裂釋放出所含物質 A small, sometimes microscopic capsule designed to release its contents when broken by pressure, dissolved, or melted.
磁流體動力學對磁場和導電的液體或氣體,諸如熔化的金屬或者等離子區之間的相互作用的研究 The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases, such as molten metal or plasma.
鉛會在相當低的溫度下熔化。 Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.