戰利品雕飾置于一正方形或圓形底座之上的,圖形為一堆武器或盔甲的裝飾性大理石石雕或銅雕 An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base.
透明塑料膜含有一些繪畫痕跡(如標簽、色塊)的透明膜,置于解說性的印刷品上以將其印于膜上 A transparent sheet containing graphic matter, such as labels or colored areas, placed on illustrative matter to be incorporated into it.
墓碑,墓石置于墳墓上作為記號的石頭;墓石 A stone placed over a grave as a marker; a tombstone.
短音符號置于元音上的符號,表示該音是短音,如bat中的a A symbol(:) placed over a vowel to show that it has a short sound, as the a in bat.