"玻璃到處亂飛," 她說。 "我的頭不知被什么打中。我低頭一看,喬希用手撫著胸口。他撫住胸口的樣子令我有些害怕,我想他恐怕撐不過去。" "There was glass flying all over the place, " she said. "I got hit in the head by something. I looked down and saw Josh holding his chest. I was kind of scared because the way he was holding his chest I didn't think he was going to make it."
賽跑完了后,她深深地喘著氣,胸口起伏不休。 Her chest heaved as she breathed deeply after the race.
藥使他把梗塞在胸口的什么東西咳了出來。 The medicine fetched up something from his breast.