So this article introduces a kind of reasonable computing model, and applies it to calculating the sight distance that provided by crest vertical curves, moreover integrates it and method of PVSD to specify from quantity the principle of combining plane and vertical curves which belong to the freeway of plain district.
The evaluation indexes of psychological and physiological burden degrees are established based on experiment and statistics method by research sight distance on single curve.
以單曲線部行車視距為研究對象 ,用實驗和數理統計的方法建立駕駛員心理生理上負擔程度的評價指標 ,評價現有公路的行車安全性和舒適性 ,并提出改進方案。
In the aspects of viewshed,and the view distance as well as psychological experience of the viewer,the paper analyzed comparatively the changes in the landscape visual features of the comprehensive natural lands.
從空間視域、視距與觀景者視覺接收后所產生的心理體驗等幾個方面,比較分析了長江在三峽成庫前的常年洪水位、成庫后的145與175 m水位下沿江景觀視覺特征的變化。
By means of deciding view angle α, the view distance d is controlled, the vanishing points are adjusted and the view points is got automatically.
Visual range prediction for thermal imaging system by different static performance models;
Based on the static performance of thermal imaging systems , a mathematical model for the visual range prediction adaptal for extended source target is studied.
Based upon the signal to noise ratio of the image and static performance of thermal imaging systems, the effect of scene radiant characteristics to the visual range prediction of thermal imaging systems is studied in the prisent paper.
The design principles of classroom s tables and chairs with physical e ngineering are to hold physical backbones natural and sitting tight and good opt ic angle and to consciously hold learning stadia from the start of physical engi neering so as to avoid myopia and backbone damage.
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