Scotopic pupil size in patients at pre-LASIK and post-LASIK;
Effect of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride on Intraocular Pressure and Pupil Size During Goeneral Anesthesia;
Observation of the Apoptosis of Rabbit s Retinal Cells Induced by Transpupillary Thermotherapy;
After instillation of tropicamide 10g/L,pupil size at different time points was measured and the time to reach a pupil diameter of 6mm was recorded before surgery and at 1 month after surgery.
Pupil size,anterior chamber depth and posterior corneal surface altitude were measured with Orbcan-Ⅱanterior segment analyzer before and 1 day and 1 month after LASIK.
目的探討準分子激光原位角膜磨鑲術(laser in situ keratom ileusis,LASIK)對瞳孔大小及前房深度的影響。
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