The Disturbing Analysis of the Chlorin Ion from the Sampling Case to the Concentration of HCl in the Air;
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Air by Cryo-concentration/GCMS;
Determination of Total Mercury in Air by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;
Organic vapor pollutants were monitored in the atmosphere of Changchun city from September, 1997 to July, 1998.
Content of pollutant bacteria and mold in our campus atmosphere was tested using sedimentation plate method and with beef and Czapek s media in summer and winter respectively.
采用沉降平板法 ,選用牛肉膏培養基與察貝克培養基 (czpekmedium) ,分別在夏季與冬季檢測了校園不同環境中空氣污染細菌與霉菌的含量。
Determination of 3 kinds of aldehydes in ambient air by Capillary Gas Chromatography;
The indirect determining method of phosgene in ambient air by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography was set up.
,10 μm )為分析柱 ,甲醇 -水 (體積比為 70∶30 )為流動相 ,在 2 5 7nm波長處用紫外檢測器檢測 1,3 二苯基脲 ,建立了間接測定空氣中光氣的反相高效液相色譜法。
An HVS-1000 high\|volume sampler was modified and the sampling efficiency enhanced,by adding a cartridge filled with XAD-2 and PUF under the filter to collect PAHs in the gas phase as well as in particle of ambient air.
This paper fully sums up research of heat pump in Harbin Institate of Technogy in China from 1960 sto 2003, including development and research of heat pump equipments, research of air/air heat pumps air-conditioner,forecast analysis and evaluation of water-loop heat pump systems and heat pump stations in china, air source heat pumpwater chiller/heater and ground source heat pumps etc.
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