The paper introduces the measurement device and principle of single fiber contact angle.
It conducts indoor single root tensile tests on 4 kinds herbs of Elymus dahuricus、Agropyron trachycaulum、Leymus secalinus and Achnatherum splendens growing on the loess region of Xining Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and analyzes its characteristics of tensile resistance of single root for the purpose of studying the mechanics mechanism of soil-fixation and slope protection of herbs root system.
The roots of these equations in the E,are completely given,that is,they have(n,pk-1)-1 single roots or(n,pk-1) distinct groups of repeated roots,and they have no roots.
The author completely gives the roots of these equations in the F,that is,they have (n,p~k-1)-1 single roots or (n,p~k-1) distinct groups of repeated roots,and they have no root.
When this equation has one and only one root or one simple root and one twofold root or three differemt roots,or it has no roots in the field F .
完整地給出了F(設F是一個pk 元域 )上的三次方程根的狀況 :在F中有且僅有一個根 ,或一個單根與一個二重根 ,或三個互異的根 ,或沒有根 。
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