Hai - chen , awakening in the next room, began to cry.
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Hai - erh is very intelligent . He's obedient too . We all like him.
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Jui - chueh went back to her room to look after Hai - chen.
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Jui - chueh then brought forward her little son Hai - chen, to pay his respects.
她們行完禮, 瑞玨 又牽了 海臣 到紅氈上去叩頭.
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Sister - in - law told Hai - erh to greet me and wish me good morning.
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She looked at Jui - chueh, holding Hai - chen's hand and weeping.
她又看瑞玨, 瑞玨 正牽著孩子的手在那里淌眼淚.
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Hai - then again began to cry.
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He represented that he had fought in the Huai Hai Campaign.
At her instructions , Hai - then said, " Good - bye , Papa . " Then mother and child turned and walked away.
她又叫海臣喚了一聲 “ 爹爹 ”,然后掉轉了身子.
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Hai - chen stopped crying . The old man , in his room in the central building, coughed loudly.
海臣的哭聲剛停止, 老太爺卻在上房里大聲咳嗽了.
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The nursemaid brought Hai - erh in , and Sister - in - law played with him , while continuing to chat with me.
“這時何嫂把海兒帶了進來. 嫂嫂 便逗著海兒玩, 一面和我閑談.
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Little Hai - chen came over and tugged at Jui - chueh's jacket, beseeching, " Mama, let me stay too. "
海臣也走過來拉著 瑞玨 的衣襟悲聲哀求: “ 媽媽, 我也不去. ”
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Hai - chen began to cry again, loudly, and the artillery shells again commenced to boom.
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Jui - chueh came running over here, crying, carrying Hai - chen, " Madam Chou said to the boys.
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