I wanted her and she was playing hard to get.
California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.
The talks had been hard going at the start.
The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.
Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory.
There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.
He wanted more hard evidence...
The sea was a hard blue.
I am expecting a long, hard winter.
...a prolonged period of hard frost...
Those were hard times.
It had been a hard life for her...
These last four years have been hard on them.
The grey light was hard on the eyes...
Don't be so hard on him.
Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie's face had been a mask.
His father was a hard man...
It was snowing hard by then.
I've never seen Terry laugh so hard...
I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.
He looked at me hard...
You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe...
...a hard day's work...
Coping with three babies is very hard work...
Am I trying too hard?
I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down...
She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms directed towards her and her work...
It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have...
Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck.
He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor...
You feel the same emotions – it is just as raw, just as fresh… You can't turn off that stream of memories, no matter how hard you try.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文This is hard to achieve when, as is now the case in many big firms, a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文The least that can be concluded from this research is that companies need to think harder about managing teams.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文Some team members find it hard to agree on questions like membership and the team's purpose.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文Some people with HSAM find it very hard to get rid of unpleasant memories.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文It can be very hard to forget embarrassing moments, says Donohue.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago, Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文If it is hard enough to define a team's membership, agreeing on its purpose is harder still.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文Auto makers and tech companies are working hard to offer the first true selfdriving car.
出自-2017年6月聽力原文What about supply? The three environmental trends—the shortage of fresh water, the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures—are making it increasingly hard to expand the world's grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文Since industrialization, maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder, with the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break when we're adults, which may mean that kids of depressed moms end up dying younger.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home, or has the industry simply hired better interior designers? Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype ? Can doing one's homework really steer families to the best places? It is genuinely hard to know.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文They understood that even geniuses have to work hard.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard was a sign of low ability.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文They find it ever harder to cope with sugar-induced health problems.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文The author's experiment shows that students with a fixed mind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文In fact, vaguely-stated possibilities of winning a prize were more effective than options with hard odds included.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文In addition, they held hard work in high regard.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文How do we transmit a growth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories about achievements that result from hard work.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, students with a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded for their success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve hard math problems.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food, the stuff that is correctly called junk and should really carry warning labels? It's not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文The assumption is that children shouldn't chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Should a woman who possessed a small amount of drugs years ago be permanently unable to be licensed as a nurse?These laws are also counterproductive, since they make it harder for people with criminal records to find housing or land a job, two key factors that reduce backsliding.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Passionate, energetic debate does not require anger and hard feelings to be effective.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Its success is hard to copy anywhere else.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Instead of trying to get children to work hard, why not focus on getting them to take pleasure in meaningful, productive activity, like making things, working with others, exploring ideas, and solving problems? These focuses are not so different from the things in which they delight.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Could you reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it?It wouldn't be surprising if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn't reproduce it in most of the US either.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Considering that the government's standards are not nearly ambitious enough, the picture is clear: by not cooking at home, we're not eating the right things, and the consequences are hard to overstate.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Building on a child's ability to feel joy, rather than pushing it aside, wouldn't be that hard.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Administrators seem to believe that only hard work will lead children to their educational goals.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文"I have been bothered for a long time about the curious lack of curiosity,"said a Democratic member of the New Jersey legislature back in July, referring to an insufficiently inquiring attitude on the part of an assistant to New Jersey Governor Chris Chri
2017年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section B"In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago," Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, life Reimagined.
2017年6月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section C"It can be very hard to forget embarrassing moments," says Donohue.
2017年6月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BAgain, the point is to listen hard while keeping the pen moving.
2018年12月四級真題(第一套)聽力 Section BAs he got in the habit of hard work, his grades began to soar.
2015年12月四級真題(第一套)聽力 Section CAuto makers and tech companies are working hard to offer the first true self-driving car.
2017年6月四級真題(第一套)聽力 Section ABut it seems to me that it's actually very hard work.
2015年12月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section BBut scientists released a report Monday documenting, with hard evidence, the discovery of "lost lions".
2017年12月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section ABy and large, people felt that their actions and hard work—not outside forces—were the deciding factor in how their lives turned out.
2017年12月四級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section CCiting the work of psychologists and cognitive (認知的)scientists, Leslie criticizes the received wisdom that academic success is the result of a combination of intellectual talent and hard work.
2017年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BI can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually, special things will happen.
2019年6月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CI choose to believe in hard work, but not so much in talent.
2019年6月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CIn other words, when it comes to cities—or anything else—it is hard to predict the future.
2019年12月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BIn the early stages, drug use is often hard to see.
2015年12月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CInstead of trying to get children to work hard, why not focus on getting them to take pleasure in meaningful, productive activity, like making things, working with others, exploring ideas, and solving problems?
2015年12月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BIt can be hard to identify which parcels are carrying crucial items such as Social Security checks, but USPS and UPS try their best to prioritize sensitive material.
2019年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BIt is genuinely hard to know.
2016年6月四級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section BIt is often hard for them to find food.
2017年6月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CIt wouldn't be surprising if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn't reproduce it in most of the US either.
2015年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section CIt's not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by.
2015年12月四級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section BOne reason women may feel exhausted is that they have a hard time saying "no".
2017年12月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section COne way is by telling stories about achievements that result from hard work.
2016年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BPostal services work hard to identify items that require priority treatment.
2019年12月四級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BThe assumption is that children shouldn't chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college.
2015年12月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BThe three environmental trends—the shortage of fresh water, the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures—are making it increasingly hard to expand the world's grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand.
2016年6月四級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BThere are no special people, just people who put in enough hard work until something special happens.
2019年6月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CThey worked hard at whatever they did, but they had a sense of achievement.
2017年12月四級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CWhile alternative estimates of the damage from carbon emissions differ, and it's especially hard to reckon the likely costs of possible catastrophic climate events, most estimates suggest substantial negative effects.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文Most American parents say they are not concerned about their children's grades as long as they work hard.
出自-2017年6月閱讀原文Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to address those problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find it hard to influence lawmakers.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy.
出自-2016年6月閱讀原文With several monitoring stations operating in Antarctica, Russia is trying hard to counter America's dominance in the field of worldwide navigational facilities.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Some countries have had a hard time here.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文It is hard to say whether it is good or bad.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Companies are pushing it hard but make it almost overwhelming even to dip a toe in the water for the average consumer, because there are so many compatibility issues to think about.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文And it is hard not to think: Are we in an innovation lull ?In some ways, the answer is yes.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文Americans are working longer and harder hours than ever before.
出自-2016年12月閱讀原文The outer layers of the volcano were worn away until the hard core stood completely exposed.
出自-2016年12月聽力原文That’s what hard-working men and women say to justify their lavish vacations, big stereo systems or regular restaurant meals.
出自-2016年12月聽力原文Whether it's a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the big momentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文There is no doubt that spaceflight entails risks, and to pioneer a new mode of travel is to face those risks, and to reduce them with the benefit of hard-won experience.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文So a heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum — that is, once be is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文No matter how hard you try, you can't turn something that large on a dime ,or even a few thousand dimes.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文It is easy to change a light bulb, sure, but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文It has tried hard to satisfy students' various needs.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Inequality is dangerous, he argued, not merely because it doesn't look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor, but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility, making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring, most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文A number of prominent economists have also argued that it's harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs(橫檔) in that ladder have grown farther apart.
出自-2015年12月閱讀原文"It's been hard not to share pictures of her because people always want to know how babies and toddler (學走路的孩子) are doing and to see pictures, but we made the decision to have social media while she did not," O'Hanlon said.
2018年12月六級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section BAnd it is hard not to think: Are we in an innovation lull?
2016年12月六級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BAnd the funny thing is that if you love what you do and are really passionate about it and work really hard, the money kind of comes automatically.
2016年12月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section AAs careers and vocations become less available during times of recession, adolescents may be especially hard hit.
2016年6月六級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section ABut convincing open-minded dairy people is actually not that hard, when you look at the economics.
2019年12月六級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section BBut the other team members were working as hard and long as he was.
2019年6月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section BChoosing the right career can be hard.
2017年12月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section CCompanies are pushing it hard but make it almost overwhelming even to dip a toe in the water for the average consumer, because there are so many compatibility issues to think about.
2016年12月六級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BFor instance, DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools, even if they no longer worked, because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle.
2019年6月六級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BGathering your resources to "try hard" requires burning energy in order to overcome your currently low arousal level.
2018年12月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BHe laid off several hundred workers; especially hard hit were the blue- and pink-collar departments such as subscription fulfillment.
2018年6月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section CHowever, it is very hard to demonstrate causes using non-experimental data such as this.
2019年12月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BI had to be really persistent and it was very hard work.
2019年12月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section AI know it's the end of high school, but many of my classmates are going on to the same university and we are still required to study hard, so what's the difference?
2019年6月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section AKristi King, a diet specialist at Texas Children's Hospital, finds it's hard to get teenager patients' attention about healthy eating.
2017年6月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section BNatural talent helps in some way, but at the end of the day you really do need to work hard and get really, really good at what you do.
2016年12月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section ANavajo is hard to learn and only a few people know it.
2018年6月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section BNo matter how hard you try, you can't turn something that large on a dime, or even a few thousand dimes.
2015年12月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BNow, the only apparent cost to taking infinite photos of something as common as a meal is the space on your hard drive and your dining companion's patience.
2018年6月六級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section COnce upon a time, Americans thought that if they work hard enough even in the face of adversity, they would be rewarded with success.
2018年12月六級真題(第一套)聽力 Section CShe found she did spend a lot less money because it is incredibly hard to predict how much cash one is going to need—she was forever drawing money out of Cashpoints.
2017年6月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section CShe is hard at work finding a way to take traits from rare wild plants that adapt to extreme dry weather and use them in food crops.
2018年6月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BSo a heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum — that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.
2015年12月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BSo far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness.
2019年6月六級真題(第三套)閱讀 Section CSo, as you see, it's very hard to say which one is better.
2016年6月六級真題(第二套)聽力 Section AThe turmoil on the ground in physical retail is hard to square with the Census data.
2019年6月六級真題(第一套)閱讀 Section BAdditionally, group exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates participants to work hard.
2015年高考英語福建卷 閱讀理解 閱讀E 原文And I went into a speech about how hard I worked and the gains I was making.
2016年高考英語江蘇卷 完形填空 原文But alternative explanations are hard to find.
2017年高考英語江蘇卷 單項填空 原文But sometimes it seems too hard to leave the sofa.
2019年高考英語全國卷I 聽力 原文By feeding the ponies, tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car, and make them harder to gather during the area's annual pony drift (遷移).
2015年高考英語湖北卷 閱讀理解 閱讀A 原文By then, Steve was having a hard time remembering the names of some of his friends.
2019年高考英語江蘇卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文Credibility is hard to earn but easy to lose, and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out.
2019年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 閱讀C 原文Dad sat me down and said, "Alice, I know it's hard, but it's all about persistence (堅持不懈)."
2017年高考英語天津卷 閱讀表達 原文Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand.
2015年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 單項填空 選項Exciting! But it was hard work.
2019年高考英語全國卷2 聽力 原文Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is cleaner than ever.
2014年高考英語全國卷1 語法填空 原文Hard work is necessary in one's achievements.
2016年高考英語江蘇卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 選項Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life you know may be harder.
2016年高考英語全國卷1 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文Her years of hard work have finally been acknowledged after a customer nominated her to be cheshire's woman of the year.
2019年高考英語全國卷2 語法填空 原文His son tried hard to finish homework.
2016年高考英語天津卷 閱讀理解 閱讀B 選項However, Helene did not want her daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too hard.
2015年高考英語安徽卷 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.
2016年高考英語全國卷1 閱讀理解 七選五 原文I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I'm alive.
2018年高考英語全國卷3 閱讀理解 七選五 原文I have thought long and hard about it and it's true.
2016年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文I rode hard and fast home to tell my mother about this disaster.
2016年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文If Tononi's theory is right, it would explain why, when we miss a night's, we find it harder the next day to concentrate and learn new information — our brains may have smaller room for new experiences.
2017年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 七選五 原文If we work hard,we will find a way out.
2016年高考英語天津卷 答案 選項If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! with such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out.
2018年高考英語全國卷2 閱讀理解 七選五 原文I'm still having a hard time with the language.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(11月) 聽力 原文In his introduction, he made it clear that our credits would be hard-earned.
2018年高考英語全國卷I 完形填空 原文In return, we expect students to work hard.
2017年高考英語天津卷 單項填空 原文In such a situation, I work as hard as I can-then let the unconscious take over.
2016年高考英語天津卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文It also asked mothers about the challenges they face, with 80 percent making emotional demand as the hardest thing about motherhood.
2015年高考英語四川卷 閱讀理解 閱讀C 原文It enables her to work hard.
2019年高考英語全國卷2 閱讀理解 閱讀B 選項It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
2016年高考英語全國卷1 閱讀理解 七選五 選項It's a hard business review of your product.
2019年高考英語全國卷2 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again.
2016年高考英語天津卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文It's even harder to provides energy.
2019年高考英語江蘇卷 閱讀理解 任務型閱讀 原文It's hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads.
2018年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文It's harder than we expect to follow a new course.
2015年高考英語福建卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 選項It's not all that hard to build an advanced and large vocabulary.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(11月) 語法填空 原文Looking back on your day, you will find it hard to deny that a horseback safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild.
2015年高考英語重慶卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.
2017年高考英語全國卷3 閱讀理解 七選五 原文Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task, but she made it look effortless.
2016年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文Many people are working hard to preserve these ponies, and trying to come up with plans to find a sustainable future for one of dartmoor's most financially-troubled elements.
2015年高考英語湖北卷 閱讀理解 閱讀A 原文Mary has been working really hard on his book and thinks he'll have finished it by Friday.
2015年高考英語陜西卷 單項填空 原文No matter how attractive they look in the store, once I get them home they're unfailingly dry, hard, and tasteless.
2015年高考英語全國卷1 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文On a summer evening in beijing in 2008, all those long, hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit.
2016年高考英語江蘇卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller stuck going over a fence—which wasn't hard to climb if you had both arms.
2016年高考英語全國卷3 完形填空 原文One should learn to enjoy hard times.
2015年高考英語浙江卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 選項People speak very fast and it's hard to get them to repeat things.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(11月) 聽力 原文People, in general, are less warm here and it's hard to make friends.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(11月) 聽力 原文She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.
2015年高考英語浙江卷 閱讀理解 閱讀A 選項She practiced hard and finally made it.
2016年高考英語天津卷 完形填空 原文She says these activities at bedtime can get kids all excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文She showed the girls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks.
2015年高考英語安徽卷 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs, such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(6月) 閱讀理解 閱讀C 原文That night, hurricane sandy attacked the east coast, and rockaway was hit especially hard.
2016年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文The dark-colored road surface makes the youngsters hard to be noticed.
2019年高考英語全國卷I 聽力 原文The language in their contracts is usually harder to understand.
2016年高考英語上海卷 閱讀理解 閱讀C 選項The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded success in the end.
2016年高考英語北京卷 單項選擇 原文The task was so hard, and Steve, angry and upset, said he was quitting.
2019年高考英語江蘇卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文The team are working hard to analyze the problem so that they can find the best solution.
2015年高考英語湖北卷 單項選擇 原文The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot harder than they remember it was in their 20s.
2018年高考英語江蘇卷 完形填空 原文They are hard to get rid of.
2019年高考英語全國卷2 閱讀理解 閱讀D 選項They find it hard to make changes.
2014年高考英語全國卷1 閱讀理解 閱讀C 選項They recognize there's something missing in their lives, but it's hard to step off the track.
2015年高考英語浙江卷 完形填空 原文Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in georgia, but they were depending on me.
2018年高考英語天津卷 完形填空 原文This isn't as hard as it sounds, and it is far better than any other method because you improve your vocabulary while reading an interesting piece of literature.
2017年高考英語浙江卷(11月) 語法填空 原文Though I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue.
2016年高考英語天津卷 閱讀理解 閱讀D 原文Today, it's hard to find a public school, university, or law school that does not have such a kind of program.
2014年高考英語全國卷2 閱讀理解 閱讀B 原文When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work.
2015年高考英語江蘇卷 任務型閱讀 原文When Grylls heard about Nicholas' amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.
2015年高考英語北京卷 閱讀理解 閱讀A 原文Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.
2016年高考英語四川卷 閱讀理解 閱讀B 選項Your dad works very hard at the bank.
2015年高考英語湖北卷 聽力 原文One reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they cut across the insistence by top American universities that liberal-arts education and professional education should be kept separate, taught in different schools.
出自-2011年考研閱讀原文It’s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut.
出自-2011年考研閱讀原文Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.
出自-2011年考研閱讀原文The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on.
出自-2012年考研閱讀原文Law-school debt means that they have to work fearsomely hard.
出自-2014年考研閱讀原文It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get.
出自-2014年考研閱讀原文It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.
出自-2015年考研閱讀原文It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked.
出自-2016年考研閱讀原文Likewise,automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.
出自-2018年考研閱讀原文"It's a really hard thing to do and it's a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn't have a legacy business," Peretti remarked.
2016年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section Ⅱ"When I come home from a hard day's work, I often feel tired," Danaher says, adding,"In a world in which I don't have to work, I might feel rather different" - perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby or a passion project with the intensity
2017年考研真題(英語二)完形填空 Section ⅠAn increase in involuntary part-time work is evidence of weakness in the labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard time making ends meet.
2015年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡAnd picking crops is hard on older bodies.
2019年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡBut because hard laughter is difficult to sustain, a good laugh is unlikely to have measurable benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does.
2011年考研真題(英語一)完形填空 Section ⅠCertainly, it's incredibly hard to maintain patience at all times with your children.
2020年考研真題(英語二)完形填空 Section ⅠHard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won't last forever.
2015年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡHaving said all of the above, it's important to add that we shouldn't try too hard to be happy.
2016年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡHere's what hard science reveals about eye contact.
2020年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section ⅡI also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate??depiction?of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym.
2019年考研真題(英語二)完形填空 Section ⅠIf you look hard enough, you'll find that many of the products we use every day—chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, antiperspirants, colognes, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins—are
2010年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt is hard to get right, and requires a remarkable degree of vision, as well as cooperation between city authorities, the private sector, community.
2020年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt is hard to shove for attention billionaire-pound infrastructure projects, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.
2014年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt might also be hard for airlines to coordinate the departure times and destinations of passenger aircraft in a way that would allow them to gain from formation flight.
2010年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt's hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut.
2011年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt's not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.
2016年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt's not hard to imagine a similar reversal happening in London.
2020年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡIt's not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help shape how executives think about the future. "It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and lean towards R&D more than the average," said on
2016年考研真題(英語二)完形填空 Section Ⅰlikewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.
2018年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section ⅡOne reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they cut across the insistence by top American universities that "liberal-arts education and professional education should be kept separate, taught in different schools".
2011年考研真題(英語一)閱讀理解 Section ⅡScientists say the compound is "bound to be carcinogenic" but have no hard scientific proof.
2020年考研真題(英語一)完形填空 Section ⅠThese epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.
2012年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section ⅡThis suggests that the alleged "Hawthorne effect" is hard to pin down.
2010年考研真題(英語一)完形填空 Section ⅠWe will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.
2012年考研真題(英語二)閱讀理解 Section Ⅱ"a difficult task"
"nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"
"difficult times"
"a difficult child"
"found himself in a difficult situation"
"why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
"a hard fate"
"took a hard look"
"a hard bargainer"
"a hard climb"
"hard as rock"
"strong winds"
"a hard left to the chin"
"a knockout punch"
"a severe blow"
"worked their arduous way up the mining valley"
"a grueling campaign"
"hard labor"
"heavy work"
"heavy going"
"spent many laborious hours on the project"
"set a punishing pace"
"does a lot of hard drinking"
"a heavy drinker"
"hard cider"
"hard liquor"
"had hard luck"
"a tough break"
"hard dry rolls left over from the day before"
"the team played hard"
"worked hard all day"
"pressed hard on the lever"
"hit the ball hard"
"slammed the door hard"
"held hard to the railing"
"thought hard about it"
"stared hard at the accused"
"industries hit hard by the depression"
"she was severely affected by the bank's failure"
"prejudices die hard"
"he drank heavily"
"concrete that sets hard within a few hours"
"it stands hard by the railroad tracks"
"they were hard on his heels"
"a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening"
"he took the rejection very hard"
"hard alee"
"the ship went hard astern"
"swung the wheel hard left"
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