That boosted government revenues in the short term , but is now jeopardizing them.
Morales將天然氣工業, 電信業和部分采礦業收歸國有的舉措嚇跑了投資者們.
As a businessman, you must do everything to avoid jeopardizing your fortune by making bad investments.
作為商人, 你應該千方百計地避免因投資不當而損失一大筆錢.
Test cycle delayed, so take out people from test automation projects to avoid jeopardizing release dates.
測試周期延期了, 因此從測試自動化項目中抽出一些人以避免危害到發布日期.
If not, McCain said ominously that credit will jeopardizing home sales, individual savings and company payrolls.
麥凱恩還危言聳聽地說,如果不這樣, 銀行信貸將崩潰,國內房產銷售 、 個人存款及公司員工薪水都將受到不利影響.
Communication also helps for those who worry about jeopardizing a collaboration, he says.
2017年12月六級真題(第二套)閱讀 Section BThey must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of— or unfamiliar with—open science.
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