耙子,耙機頂部有一排凸出的齒的長柄工具,尤指用于收集樹葉或疏松土壤的 A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used especially to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.
柄一個柄或凸出物,作為把手或抓的東西 A handle or projection used as a hold or support.
凸飾凸出來的裝飾物,如在拱形屋頂的扇形拱交叉處的凸飾 A raised ornament, such as one at the intersection of the ribs in a vaulted roof.
樂觀的人,等于是把(自己身體上)凸出來的部分也錯認作曲線的女孩子。 An optimist is a girl who mistakes a bulge for a curve.