管轄區域管轄或控制的地域 The territorial range of authority or control.
漩渦在一定地域內液體的螺旋狀運動,尤指把附近各種東西吸向其中心的螺旋水流或空氣 A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center.
地區,行政區一個地域的分支,如為了管理的目的 A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.
局域網就是在一個有限的地域范圍內,典型的如在辦公大樓或校園中,將計算機及相關外設(如打印機)用電纜進行物理連結而組成的一個系統。 A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus.