Check ring joint structure design in underwater skirt pile gripper based on body contact nonlinear finite element analysis;
Dynamic simulation of the contact between drill stem and well wall;
Contact Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on the Pressing Block Tooth in Underwater Skirt Pile Gripper;
In addition, the contacting problem of plates was analyzed in this paper by using the penalty method, the contacting force of plates was derived, and the new methods for searching crateria were proposed.
利用罰函數方法 ,對板材自身接觸問題進行分析 ,給出了接觸板材間的接觸力 ,并提出一種接觸搜索判斷方法 ,同時給出了算
In order to solve the contact problem of different parts of the blank, a new algorithm for contacting judgment is proposed.
對 SPF/DB加工過程中板材的動態擴散連接問題進行了分析 ,該過程屬于有限元分析中粘著式接觸問題 ,并提出了新的接觸判斷方法 ,同時采用 Mindlin殼元 ,對非對稱雙室盒形件的 SPF/DB過程進行了模
Non-Hertz contact problems are studied according to multi-level multi-integration,and are computed with program.
首次采用多重網格積分(MLM I)理論,對非Hertz接觸問題進行了詳細研究,并編寫了相應的計算程序。
The contact element method and original stress method were used to analyze the elastic plastic contact problem of wheel/rail with measured surface micro roughness.
采用接觸單元方法 ,結合初應力法 ,采用測量獲得的表面微觀粗糙度 ,對輪軌彈塑性接觸問題進行了研究 ,獲得了輪軌的表面接觸壓力分布等結果。
Stack and juxtaposion make architectures lose lots of their breathing touch surfaces.
The locations touched between the mother and the young are mainly the areas of head,etc.
母幼間接觸的部位主要是頭部等感官較敏感區域 ,通過各種接觸是建立母幼友好、親昵關系的主要途徑。
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