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    1. 'tso'/'tong' property



      1)'tso'/'tong' property,「祖」/「堂」物業2)"tso"/"tong" property,祖/堂物業3)Zutangji,《祖堂集》4)manager ["tong";"tso"],司理("堂";"祖")5)ZuTangJi,祖堂集6)ancestralproperty,祖業


      A Study of Time Words in Zutangji;


      The philological value in ZuTangJi


      Research of the Termination in Zutangji and Jingde Chuandenglu;


      The Functional Word "XU" and Its Structures in Zu Tang Ji;


      The Modal Words in Zu Tang Ji and their Grammaticalization;


      The Cline of Grammaticalization of Zhe(著) in Zutangji;


      On the Property of the "了" in the Construction of "V1+了+V2"in Zutang Ji(祖堂集);


      A Study of "Zhe這/者+Conjoined Element" in Zu Tang Ji


      The Sentence of “還(有)…也無” in Zu Tang Jiand the South Fukien Dialect s “有無” Interrogative Sentence;


      The Imperative Sentences and Their Directives Gradations the Illocutionary Force Concerned on Zutangji;


      The Proofreading Notes On ZU TANG JI(祖堂集)the New Edition in Hai Yin Temple of Korea;


      From Sentence-Final le to Verb-Final le:The Usage Development from le in Zutangji to le in Sanchao Beimeng Huibian;


      About the Lexicalization Process and Time of XuDuo;


      Zutang Ji(祖堂集) is the important data used to do some research on Chinese colloquialism. It is very beneficial to the research on the development of Chinese vernacular.


      Zutangji is the important grammatical material of Tangwudai Dynasties. And affix is an important grammatical phenomenon at that time .


      2.She must not be allowed to perform the ritual of ancestor worship, and no wedding dinner.


      Along the sides are smaller ancestors rooms commemorating11 the dead.


      Textual Criticism of the Author of Yu Ming Tang Comments and Amends Dong Xi Xiang;


      A cousin-german is a first cousin


      After crossing the great hall, they entered the courtyard.




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