By the color patches of medium lightness and chroma of Munsell color system,experiments were made with 34 pairs for lightness and 25 pairs for chroma altering of 5R,5Y,5G,and 5B separately,and then got a serial of new weight functions.
為了對CIEDE2000色差公式計算中等色差時的權重函數SL,SC進行修正,使計算結果與人眼的視覺感覺相一致,選用了孟塞爾(Munsell)顏色系統中的中等明度和中等彩度色塊,在5R、5Y、5G、5B 4個主色調的顏色區域分別改變明度和彩度進行計算,改變彩度時共有34對樣品,改變明度時共有25對樣品,得到新的修正系數。
Applying the principle of linear transformation between color systems,correcting measure values relatively to measure reference,the mutual comparison between measure values is improved.
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