High purity spherical-normal spherical submicron crystal silica is prepared by using technique of mixing acid corrosion(anhydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid) and method of mechanical stir from raw powder quartz.
The compositions,properties and preparations of lead-free glasses such as crystal glass,electronic glass,electric vacuum glass,solder glass and solder glass-ceramics are reviewed.
Study on Mineral Processing of Bameng Cryptocrystalline Magnesite Ore;
On the basis of studying the mineral composition of altered mylonite in zhushanxia uranium deposit,a new type of altered mylonite uranium deposit (U-W coexisting) has been found,and uranium exists as uraninite.
Among other things, exposed uraninite-rich granite is rich in silica (SiO2>70%), rich in alkalis (K2O+Na2≈8%) with K>Na (K2O:Na2≈5:3) and rich in uranium.
產鈾花崗巖出露面積大,其中有硅高(SiO2>70%),富堿(K2O+Na2O約為896),鉀大于鈉(K2O:Na2O 約=5:3),鈾含量高,含晶質鈾礦的富鈾花崗巖出露。
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