A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
A fixed cost may be said to be" fixed" only in relation to a given period of time and a given range of activity.
an operation that is completed in a specified number of regularly timed execution cycles.
Ephemeris:a table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at a number of specific times during a given period.
A table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at a number of specific times during a given period.
A series of fixed payments paid at regular intervals over the specified period of the annuity.
within one generation
To produce or manufacture(something) during a certain time.
One method adjusts budget allowances of prior periods for changes that are expected to occur during the new budget period.
To assign a peripheral to a job for the duration of the job.
"This log begins on the specified date and time.
~~Turns off any notifications during the same period on the specified days.
The amount of work assigned to or expected from a worker in a specified time period.
Term policy provides insurance against the death of a person during a specific period.
A grim tale set in the days of body snatchers.
The countries of the Union may provide for a period within which the prohibition of use must be requested.
The statement of owner's equity is a statement of reflecting summarily the changes that occurred in the owner's equity of a business during a specific accounting period, such as a month or a year.
The government made a short statement, which said Mugabe will study and prepare a list of new cabinet members over the weekend. The new cabinet is scheduled to take an oath of office on 26th.
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