他瘦削的身軀裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中。 His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat.
普什圖語一種伊朗語,是阿富汗和巴基斯坦西部的部分地區的主要方言 An Iranian language that is the principal vernacular language of Afghanistan and parts of western Pakistan.
阿富汗實為更難克服的困難。戈爾巴喬夫提議用一年時間完成撤軍(美國認為是一項小小的讓步),但拒絕訂定開始撤離的日期,令總統與他的幕僚感到失望。 Afghanistan proved the tougher nut to crack. Mr.Gorbachev proposed to withdraw this troops over a12-month period, which the Americans took as a small concession, but he refused to set a date for the pullout to start, which disappointed the President and his staff.